Current Trend: Customizing Your Furniture
Posted on September 30 2020

Customizing Your Furniture
Pologeorgis is a well-known company for quality furs. We produce not only quality garments and accessories but also decorative fur furniture. Options include chairs, benches, sofas, stools, and rugs. Experimenting with materials is key in successful interior design. Fur is the perfect option for creating contrast! We also collaborate with each project’s interior designer, so the complete, elegant look is never compromised. We enjoy trying out new fur trends, and there are multiple benefits to utilizing custom fur furniture in one’s home.
Keeping Up with Seasonal Trends
Currently, the most popular fur trend for furniture is Mongolian lamb. The longer hair and extra fluffiness is an ideal combination. It works particularly well for a stool or chair with a metal base. Though this soft fur is typically used in its natural white color, it can be dyed in a variety of other hues such as pink, gray, or brown.
Maintaining Sophistication
As mentioned before, fur functions well as a contrast with metal and stone room décor. Each fur type can be paired with modern or classic design styles, allowing for pieces to be reusable when updating a room. Fur instantly adds a sense of sophistication and warmth when placed in one’s home.
Comfort in Design
Today’s consumer often values comfort just as much as aesthetics, which we completely understand! This is why customizing with fur is such an appealing option. Though a fur rug or chair visually provides a level of class in a living room, bedroom, or office, it also is a source of luxury while in use.
Looking for more interior décor inspiration? Check out our Pinterest page!